Friends & partners

Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success.

Henry Ford

„Teamwork is dreamwork“

This Bregenzerwald credo is something we are also happy to uphold. Over the decades, we have built up a wonderful network and are proud of our successful cooperation with many organisations, cultural event organisers, museums, etc.

Connected by friendship

Anyone strolling through our house will discover their beautiful works here and there! The region is rich in creative makers! We don't want to withhold their special pieces from our guests.

In the ship you will find beautiful things from Flowers in Bed, Strolz Leuchten, Elfenschuh Blumen & Deko, Glanzstück Schmuck, Gassner Goldschmiede, Himmelgrün, Ulrike Maria Kleber, Domig Tischler, ...

For your next tour in the area around Balderschwang, we recommend a visit to the Fuchsalm! Our son-in-law-to-be welcomes hungry and thirsty skiers and hikers to the rustic hut (right next to the piste)!